NEA Task 4 : Research Into An Existing Bauer Film Magazine (Empire)

 The Empire magazine is known as the most successful and influential film magazine. However, not only is it just a film magazine, it also has it's own podcast, website digital edition and live events. They collaborate with some of the biggest film studios, distributors, world-class film makers and also famous actors to create content that no other brand could do: from interviewing Tom Cruise, being on set with Quentin Terantino and even to shooting videos with Ryan Reynolds! 

This monthly magazine has a readership which is 75% male. Their target audience is people in the ABC bracket who are aged between 18-40 and are in employment, university educated, time-poor, in a relationship and also have a striving passion for film itself. This is quite different from our set brief; although the ABC bracket is the same, the magazine that the set brief is focusing on targets 16-25 year olds who are less likely to be in employment or university educated as most would have just began or just finished college/A-levels.

Another thing that makes this magazine so special is it's drive to creating the best content it can for it's readers. They provide exclusive insight into movie sets, for example MCU's Captain Marvel, alongside interviews with A-list celebrities such as: Olivia Coleman, Simon Pegg, Lin-Manuel Miranda and James Cameron. All of these just in the past 12 months. Many A-list celebrities want to be in this magazine.

Their digital edition is also special, they have an award-winning, enhanced with exclusive video content and pages that come to life thanks to their design team. All of this improves the experience for their audience.

They own a Top 5 Itunes podcast who has an average of 51,000 thousand hits and often includes weekly guests such as Nicole Kindman and Chris Quarrie, Their live events made it onto the news, an example being the 2018 Empire award-show.

Their advertising rates for a full page are £4,900.

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